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Shrimp Ooh La La Pasta

Hello everyone! After a month long hiatus, I managed to cook another sumptuous pasta dish. Who says pasta dishes need to be expensive and cumbersome to make? This recipe will surely warm your hearts (and your belly too!) without putting a hole in your pockets. I think this is one of my favorite!

Serving Size: 2 servings


250 grams shrimps

250 grams linguine pasta

1 can diced tomato sauce

1 whole onion, chopped

5 cloves garlic, chopped


Ground black pepper

Cayenne pepper



Olive Oil

How To:

1. Cook pasta to al dente consistency or as instructed. Drain and set aside

2. In a pan, put olive oil and cook shrimps for 2 minutes. Set aside.

3. In the same pan, put additional olive oil then chopped onions and garlic. Saute until translucent.

4. Add diced tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes.

5. Add salt, ground pepper, and cayenne pepper.

5. Add oregano and basil.

6. Incorporate the shrimps into the sauce.

7. Add the pasta and cook for 2 minutes.

8. Top with parmesan cheese (optional) and then serve.

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